Mistakes African parents make - WELCOME TO Pokenozer




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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mistakes African parents make

So Many African parents give their children the wrong up bringing because they are uneducated, but on a real sense, you can give your kids the best up bringing with the lowest or no education.
It just a matter of knowing good and bad, I know of a parent that is leading her kids to the wrong path of life, because she and her Mom hard misunderstanding, and her kid chose to join the misconception, she notice it bit could not talk to her kids about it, now the kids refuse grandma her due respect to the very eyes of their mom
It is very wrong for a parent to allow their kids join them in any form of fight(misunderstanding) because it will affect their sense of reasoning.
What a parent should do is actually not to fight in the presence of their kids because parents life is the first education a child will ever have.
Parents let live a good life before our kids in othervto make them better in the future .
Remember good family will make a good society, and vicvasal

8 Biggest Mistakes Strict Parents Make

Often times, parents think being strict is the way out, yes, being strict is good, but being too strict is bad, if your child is always in fear of you you should check your parenting style, such child won’t be able to tell you whatever is bothering him or her out of fear. And if your child can’t reach out to you in the time of trouble that can be dangerous.

Here’s a list  of the 10 biggest mistakes strict parents make;

1. Giving Orders without Feedback
When strict parents set rule, they don’t allow any one else check or point out whatever is wrong with the rules, they’ve had their say and that’s the end. Meanwhile this is a rule that may and may not work for their family. Also, when they are around dialogue cease.

2. Giving punishments

When you give punishments, give it according to the graveness of the wrong done, for example, 5 minutes of kneeling down if your child goes out without his shoes and clothes on is okay. When your punishment has a set limit, it will be much more effective than giving punishment and forgetting they are still observing it.
3. Leaving kids with no choice
When you set rules, give your kids a choice, as in “it’s either you do this or that,” this way your kids will grow up to be able to make up their mind and make important decisions.
4. Giving harsh punishments
Giving harsh punishments will make your child become rebellious because to him, you are just being unfair. Set punishments that are not too grave, for example allowing your child go hungry for a day is just too grave, at the end he might do something worse like steal from your soup pot.
5. Setting unrealistic expectations
Before setting limitations or expectation for your kids, consider their age, and their capacity, by doing that your child won’t be constantly failing and seeing themselves as a failure. This is one thing strict parents don’t consider.
6. Constantly nagging
Strict parents have too many rules yet they expect the kids to follow the rules whether it’s easy or not, they also get too involved int their child’s life (so they can be perfect) yet this hampers their child’s growth because the child won’t be able to make mistakes and learn from it.
7. Being cold towards children
Parents who are strict are always tough, and this makes them cold towards their kids, yet being warm and patient with your kid is the best way to discipline them. Also, when you are cold to your kids there’d be no fun in such house, the kids can’t play out with their friends without being beaten, when you are around they’ll stop playing, the problem with this kind of parenting is, your child can never come to you when they are in trouble.
8. They disallow kids to mix with other kids
Strict parents never want to see their kids interact with other kids and this will have a bad effect on their social life, they might have problems mixing freely, or even making friends later in life.
When your parenting is to strict, you can do your child no good, it may have a long and negative impact on your child so drop it.

1 comment:

  1. Like you said being strict isn't bad, but I feel a parent can be strict and also have fun with their kids at due time. This makes the kids and parents build a bond.


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